IEP meetings in Missouri: what parents aren’t told

IEP students who have difficulty at public school who are often sent home, sent to in-school suspension (ISS), or out-of-school suspension (OSS) may not be in the right program, yet the public school doesn’t offer a “right” program. This predicament was addressed  when Congress arranged for mediation between parents and schools.rsz_teen-reading

Often the regular IEP team doesn’t or won’t consider options beyond the routine in their building.  Serious matters require using a different approach to achieve reasonable outcomes for a student and mediation is where this can happen; mediation participants typically are not the usual IEP meeting attendees.

Schools may lead parents to believe that “due process” is the only option for the parent to pursue; this is usually not true.  A parent is  gracious to the district when participating in mediation rather than pursuing other avenues.

Don’t be bamboozled by the school!  Our advocates are knowledgeable and experienced parents who have pursued civil rights for our children.   Set a phone consult;

Advocates at The IEP Center help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so the parent can advocate for the child with special needs.  Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only extend the problem.

Never go alone to an IEP meeting; our advocates are available!

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities.  We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.  We do not represent anyone.

We are civil rights advocates who support parents at low-cost.  We help parents prepare for school meetings and also go to mediation and IEP meetings with parents.

©2016-2022 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™

Yep!  We are not affiliated with any government agency.

IEP Teachers don’t know student needs’

High school student who has attended for years in the district started the fall at a new building where hundreds of students attend. The student is complex and has special needs’. Student was doing well academically previous year but now has some failing grades and hates school.the-iep-center The assertive parent requested an IEP meeting where the parent learned that the teachers’ didn’t understand the child’s disability and expected the student to fit their mold.  One teacher thought the student was “lazy”. One of these teacher’s even needed “more time” to get to know the student!

These same teachers devised a “new” plan to attempt to make it work again in their building; however, it’s doubtful the student will entertain the thought. Parents in Missouri who need help dealing with the public school for their child with an IEP can consult with a professional special education advocate at The IEP Center.   Advocates also help parents when the parent wants an advocate to go to a meeting at the school with them!  Never go alone.

Parents often need to be proactive to make sure the public school system isn’t failing their child or missing out on needed services even when the school “doesn’t offer that”.  Passing grades doesn’t necessarily mean your child is learning.rsz_diversityboyinclasslookingatbook Failing grades doesn’t always mean the child’s program is appropriate. Delays in addressing school problems may make the situation worse; the system moves “slowly”.

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities.  We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.

We help parents at low-cost.  Delay works against our kids.

©2014 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ is a trademark of the Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC Contact an advocate here: