Early childhood program not offered to parent Missouri

Kids eligible for Early Childhood (ages 3-5) services from public school districts in Missouri are to be offered services from that school district. Some districts have found ways to manipulate parents to avoid serving those children.rsz_nclb2girlslookingateachother

The parent mentioned the possibility of child getting programming from another (hospital-related) facility so the district “agrees” with the parent that would be a good choice.  The public school did not formally offer or develop a program for the child.  The desperate and uninformed parent scrambles for any programming available, and, since the public school didn’t “have” a suitable program, the parent struggles to transport child to and from the distant program.

The parent was encouraged to use some grit to work the system at the public school.  The parent acknowledged she was being bamboozled; she had concerns that she might “ruffle feathers” of some school staffer she knows.  I told the parent that since my daughter is now an adult, I really don’t care what the teachers my daughter had in elementary school thinks of me now; what matters is how my daughter is functioning and quality of life.AngelsenseRunnerJPEG

This parent needs to set the tone of the relationship with the public school now so that when the child later enrolls for Kindergarten, the school will better respect the parent.

Contact an advocate here:

Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ advocates are not attorneys and do not give legal advice.  We do not represent children or parents. We have special knowledge regarding children with special needs’.  We help parents with civil rights issues.  Contact an attorney.

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©2016 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC

First Steps transition to school district Early Childhood programs in Missouri: first IEP meetings


A parent’s first IEP meeting with the public school system is significant.  A parent must be ready!  This meeting sets the tone of the relationship with the public school for many years to come!

Parents need to take documents to share about the extent of the disability that legitimize the amount and rate of service needed; especially for physical, speech and occupational therapies.

Some school districts lead parents to believe that since the child is on track academically that no services are needed; documents can indicate otherwise! Many times school offer much less than what the child received in First Steps!  And the school legitimizes it by saying “that’s all that is available”.  Parents can make breakthroughs in these “rubber stamped” meetings!AngelsenseRunnerJPEG

Parents who seem “nice” and “agreeable” can be easily taken advantage of by the school, and the parent not realize it.

Be ready!  Have an IEP Center advocate help you prepare for Early Childhood school meetings.

Advocates at The IEP Center™ help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs.  Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed.the-iep-center (800x640)

Never go alone to an IEP meeting; our advocates are available!

In Missouri call 816 865 6262

sign up for ezine:  bit.ly/IEPezine


Contact an advocate below:

Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities. We are civil rights We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.

 We help parents prepare for school meetings and also go to mediation and IEP meetings with parents.

©2015 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™

Lunchroom supervision of special ed kids in Missouri

School districts are informing parents of students with IEPs how paraprofessional, classroom aide, and program(s) are to be dropped or rearranged. Parents may be told this and not question the “administrative decision” the district is announcing.  Don’t be bamboozled! rsz_teen-reading

Changes to how a student is receiving services from a school district may alter the extent of learning the child receives.  It may lessen or aggravate the ability of the student to benefit from schooling.  Did you child’s needs change enough to the extent he no longer needs this support?  Parents can ask for an evaluation to see.

Some districts have told parents that many paraprofessionals will not be offered.  Some district have told parents that their student will now have a para available while the para serves a classroom full of students simultaneously.  Check the wording on your child’s IEP; “under adult supervision” is one way parents are misled. Does the IEP indicate a specific ratio?  the-iep-centerAsk who is assisting your child while the para is at lunch, on a restroom break or out for the day.  Often the teacher who supervises the paras are overwhelmed.  They may need a parent to request the extra help that is needed in the classroom.

There are avenues to pursue to address this; it may be most effective if a parent pursues correction before the change takes place.

Advocates at the iep center help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs.  Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.

Contact an advocate here or in Missouri call 816 865 6262

©2015 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC

sign up for ezine:  bit.ly/IEPezine


Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities.  We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.

We help parents at low-cost; can’t afford? Check if your church will sponsor our service for you. Credit cards accepted through Paypal. Visit the website to set up a phone consult.