Intimidated and manipulated in IEP meeting in Missouri

Several educators surround the parent and present their plan for the child for the year, based on the school’s staff schedules and the number of other children who also need services.

The parent asks for additional time in a service area and is quickly told that wouldn’t fit with the schedule.  Parent expresses concern that the child is getting left behind.

This was another “rubber stamped” meeting where the educators worked to just get through and over the meeting. As long as the parent is not assertive, the student will likely stagnate.

The March 2017 US Supreme Court decision was clear; children with IEPs are to have challenging objectives.

Advocates at™ help parents solve schooling problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs. Schools often don’t put plans into place legitimately unless a parent pursues action. Action can involve systems outside of the school district.   It’s what a parent doesn’t know that can deprive children of needed services.  We go to  school meetings with parents.steeringwheeldashboardwoman2pics

Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed.  Waiting too long to address concerns eliminates opportunities for correction.

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We help parents at low-cost.  We help parents prepare for school meetings and also go to school meetings with parents.

Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities. We are civil rights advocates.   We are not attorneys and do not give advice. We are not licensed to practice law in any state. We do not represent anyone.  Consult an attorney.

©2017 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™


photo credit:  free digital  photos. net

First Steps transition to school district Early Childhood programs in Missouri: first IEP meetings


A parent’s first IEP meeting with the public school system is significant.  A parent must be ready!  This meeting sets the tone of the relationship with the public school for many years to come!

Parents need to take documents to share about the extent of the disability that legitimize the amount and rate of service needed; especially for physical, speech and occupational therapies.

Some school districts lead parents to believe that since the child is on track academically that no services are needed; documents can indicate otherwise! Many times school offer much less than what the child received in First Steps!  And the school legitimizes it by saying “that’s all that is available”.  Parents can make breakthroughs in these “rubber stamped” meetings!AngelsenseRunnerJPEG

Parents who seem “nice” and “agreeable” can be easily taken advantage of by the school, and the parent not realize it.

Be ready!  Have an IEP Center advocate help you prepare for Early Childhood school meetings.

Advocates at The IEP Center™ help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs.  Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed.the-iep-center (800x640)

Never go alone to an IEP meeting; our advocates are available!

In Missouri call 816 865 6262

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities. We are civil rights We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.

 We help parents prepare for school meetings and also go to mediation and IEP meetings with parents.

©2015 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™

Beware of homebound offer for an IEP student

Some students who are eligible for special education services and have IEPs have behaviors that may be considered by some as violent.  These students are often a challenge for a school district to provide the appropriate program.

A parent may be told the student is so violent that the school district cannot educate the student and homebound is mentioned.  Left out of this conversation could be that the school needs to find a program that is rsz_dropoutdictionaryappropriate for this child and place and transport the child there.  Many outside programs exist for students with extreme needs.

Such “Outside placement” can be costly for the school district.  Perhaps that’s why it isn’t mentioned to parents?

More school districts continue to mention homebound as a way to force the parent to “take it or leave it” when the district wants the student to fit into their system and not provide accommodations/modifications.  Uninformed parents get trampled; some lose jobs and marriages over this scenario.  After all, homebound is often provided at public libraries for only a few hours each week–nothing compared to a full school week.

Advocates at The IEP Center ™ help parents solve IEP problems by providing information so they can advocate for the child with special needs.  Don’t be bamboozled!  Waiting and hoping for problems to go away allows our children to regress.  Hoping the problem will go away will only delay getting the problem addressed.the-iep-center (800x640)

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Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™ provides information to parents regarding the problems of children with disabilities.  We are not attorneys and do not give advice.  Consult an attorney.

We help parents at low-cost.  We help parents prepare for school meetings and also go to mediation and IEP meetings with parents.

Contact an advocate below:

©2014 Special Education Parent’s Advocacy Link LLC dba The IEP Center™